It was once said that the Europeans love their fresh flowers and that they were apart of daily living. Spring has sprung and what a great way to bring spring inside with a bouquet of fresh flowers. It has been said that each flower has a meaning … what do flowers say about you and why would you want to bring spring inside your home with flowers? If you are allergic to specific flowers, please keep them outside or at the store. There is no sense bringing a beautiful element inside if you are just going to be miserable the entire time. Your home is your castle and you get to decide if flowers are your method for bringing spring inside. Here are some great meanings of flowers that may appeal to your scents and your emotions.
- Anemone Expectation
- Apple Blossom Hope, Good Fortune
- Baby’s Breath Innocence
- Blue Periwinkle Friendship
- Blue Violet Modesty, Faithfulness
- Bluebells Constancy
- Buttercup Cheerfulness, Desire for riches
- Camellia Loveliness, Fascination
- Carnation Engagement
- Chrysanthemum Wealth, Truth
- Daffodil Regard
- Daisy Share your feelings
- Edelweiss Daring, Noble Courage
- Foxglove Insincerity
- Freesia Innocence
- Gardenia Purity, Joy
- Iris Message of Faith, Wisdom
- Jasmine Wealth, Grace
- Lavender Distrust
- Lilac First emotions of Love
- Lily Majesty, Truth, Honor
- Marigold Grief
- Narcissus Egotism, Formality
- Orange Blossom Purity, Fertility
- Orchid Love, Beauty
- Peach Blossom Captive
- Peony Bashfulness
- Pink Rose Grace
- Red Poppy Consolation
- Red Rose Passion
- Rose Love, Joy, Beauty
- Sunflower Adoration
- Sweet Pea Pleasure
- Tulip Love, Passion
- White Poppy Sleep
- White Rose Worthiness
Get your flowers today to brighten your home and bring a little spring inside.
I love having fresh flowers in the home. Thanks for sharing the meaning of some of my favorites!