This time of year brings fireplaces and wood burning stoves to the forefront. Being warm and cozy while using an efficient way to warm you home is yet another reason that wood burning stoves are popular. However, Read More
Design Inspiration From the Movie, The Holiday
Designing and decorating a home can be a fun project that enhances your already existing home. Or a new home you are getting ready to purchase and are looking for new design inspiration. Home design inspiration can come from a variety places. Once such place is the movies we watch. During this holiday time, the movie Read More
Holiday Table Decorating Ideas

This time of year gives us so many opportunities to be creative with our decorating. From decorating trees to windows, doors and so much more. When celebrating these holidays with your friends and family, it is nice to really show your creativity with a delightful table setting. Holiday table decorating is a fantastic way to celebrate your creativity. Read More
Part 4: Favorite Household Gift Ideas
Here are some last minute helpful household gift ideas that just might help you with holiday shopping. Read More
What does Energy Star really mean?
It comes up often, how do appliances and home solutions secure an Energy Star ranking? And what is the value of Energy Star appliances and equipment to my home? A solution must meet minimum standards defined by the Environmental Protection Agency. The list of standards can be found here. One of the standards listed is the ability to measure energy efficiency effectiveness. Another standard is that the products need to be labeled energy efficient.
The infographic below Read More