This time of year brings fireplaces and wood burning stoves to the forefront. Being warm and cozy while using an efficient way to warm you home is yet another reason that wood burning stoves are popular. However, if you own a wood burning stove or fireplace, you may find some challenges with its inefficiencies if you do not have the proper care for your stove. Let this infographic from Schott’s give you some pointers on care and understanding of your stove. Some more information on care, selection and use of a wood burning stove can be found here in this article also.
It’s quite amazing how efficient wood-burning stoves have become. Just this fall there was a wood-burning stove competition on the National Mall. Here’s a link to see the winners of the Wood Stove Decathalon.
Thanks for this information. We especially liked the part about using the device to test the carbon monoxide emissions and the “woodmeister” … checking the wood to create a fair testing environment.