3 Signs Your Gutters are Beyond Repair

3 Signs Your Gutters are Beyond RepairGuest  Blogger: Paul Kazlov

Gutters play a crucial role in protecting your roof and walls from water damage. A functioning gutter provides excellent drainage and keeps rainwater from wreaking havoc on your beautiful home. Because excessive water is infamous for flooding basements and incurring costly structural damages, gutter maintenance is required for effective precipitation drainage and Read More

Clean Wood Burning Fireplace and Flue

Clean Wood Burning Fireplace

Winter will be upon us before you know it. If you have wood burning stoves or fireplaces, now is the time to get them ready for use.  Wood burning fireplaces build up creosote and soot on chimney walls very quickly. These materials are extremely flammable and thus the chimney should be cleaned regularly. You should also inspect your chimney cap that is open on the sides with mesh to protect birds and debris from entering the stack. Make sure the mesh is intact and the cap side Read More

Create a Park in Your Backyard

Create a Park in Your Backyard
Shutterstock – Stuart Monk

 Guest Blogger:  Jessica Kyriakos

Most parents love taking their kids to the park, but sometimes it’s just not practical to do so when other demands pull on your time. If you wish you had the benefits of the park without the time commitment it requires to take your kids all the way there, why not create a park in your backyard? On a smaller scale, you can have all of the benefits of the park without ever leaving home. Read More