The solar panel industry is a billion-dollar industry. More than a million homes in the U.S. are now equipped with some of those solar panels.
If you’re in the market to buy a new home; you may have already come across these homes in your search.
The solar panel industry is a billion-dollar industry. More than a million homes in the U.S. are now equipped with some of those solar panels.
If you’re in the market to buy a new home; you may have already come across these homes in your search.
You use your kitchen sink…a lot.
So why shouldn’t it be something that’s not only useful, but that makes you smile every time you see it?
The sink you choose is no simple matter…you’ll be using it for many years to come so it’s important to consider several different factors when looking at the different options.
Unlike light fixtures that are attached to the ceiling, pendant lights are suspended several inches from the ceiling using a pole, a wire or a chain.
Pendant lighting is versatile, providing a good, multi-purpose option for lighting your home.
If it’s not enough of a pain getting your travel plans in order, the stress levels really ramp up when you need to find someone to take care of your pets while you’re gone.
You could board your pet(s) at the local kennel or veterinarian’s office, but if you plan to be gone for any length of time that will quickly eat into your budget.
A few years ago, I was talking to my sister about houseplants. It might sound like a strange topic of discussion, but it is something everyone should think about. She has a beautiful home that is filled with detailed decor, lovely furniture, and plastic plants. I asked her why she chooses to decorate with fake plants instead of living ones. With a shrug she said, “Why would I want a real houseplant when the fake ones look the same but require no work?” She asked an important question and one that cannot be ignored. While plastic plants may (sometimes) look better and lack the maintenance of watering, weeding, and care, they can often release chemicals found in plastics. Ironically, living plants combat these same chemicals so the air is safer to breathe. I don’t think people recognize all the toxins within the walls of their homes. Even while using green cleaners, there are still pollutants hiding in your furniture, bedding, flooring, and walls. Here are twelve plants you can safely add to your home and additionally enjoy the healthy benefits they offer.