What to Look for in an Air Purifier

You don’t have to suffer from allergies to benefit from an air purifier. Everyone can benefit from having healthy air to breathe.


Because often, indoor air quality is worse than that of outside air. In our efforts to conserve energy and reduce our utility costs our homes are often tightly sealed, reducing the flow of fresh, outside air. 

10 Ways to Reduce your Water Bill

10 Ways to Reduce your Water Bill
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

While you can live without cable or satellite, you won’t live very long without water.

But don’t think that just because you need water you’re stuck with paying high water bills every month.

Assuming you don’t have a hidden water leak, if you find your water bill going up month after month, there are things you can do to reduce your water consumption (without resorting to bathing once a week).

Bird Control: How to Keep Animals Out of Your Attic and Chimney

Bird Control: How To Keep Animals Out Of Your Attic And Chimney

Your chimney and attic make a great habitat for animals, like migratory birds and bats, but they shouldn’t be there. These animals can cause damage to your home’s structure, including your plumbing and wiring, as well as spread diseases. So, how do you keep animals out of your attic and chimney?

How to Use Less Water at Home

How to Use Less Water at Home

If, like many people, you’re spending more time at home right now due to COVID-19 restrictions, and you’re worried about the economic impacts of the pandemic too, it’s wise to look for ways to save money.

One of the strategies to do so is to use less water. This suggestion might sound a little daunting, but there are simple yet effective ways you and your family can make these changes today.