There are numerous signs something has gone wrong with your furnace. You may notice an eggy smell coming from the unit, or your house not getting as warm as you would like. Even if you consider yourself handy, your furnace is the last thing you want to turn into a DIY project.
Best Ways to Use a Weed Eater
You know that owning a home means you have to take care inside and outside of your home. If you own a backyard or even a front yard, you know that those are also part of your home which means you have to keep them well-groomed.
Keeping Your Septic Tank in Good Shape
It’s probably the one feature of your home that you don’t really think much about…until it stops doing its job…
Your septic tank system.
How to Make These 5 Common Carpet Stains Disappear
It’s funny how you can have hundreds of feet of beautiful carpet, but all it takes is one ugly stain to make you feel like tearing it all out!
Tankless Water Heaters: Should You Get One for Your Home?
Statistics show that a regular shower head can pump out anywhere from 7 to 10 gallons per minute. Water-saving shower heads drop that to 2 to 4 gallons per minute. And as the typical shower can last anywhere from 12 to 15 minutes, it’s possible to use as much as 150 gallons for one shower! Read More