Climate-Proofing Your Home: How to Prepare for Extreme Weather

Natural disasters have increased in recent years, putting homeowners and their properties at greater risk. From the recent devastating wildfires in Los Angeles to the catastrophic Hurricane Helene, tens of thousands of homes were damaged or destroyed last year.

You can’t stop climate change on your own, but you can improve your property’s chances of surviving a severe storm, wildfire, or other disaster. Here’s how homeowners can begin climate-proofing their homes in 2025.

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Creative and Practical Ways to Repurpose Old Glass Jars and Bottles

Have you ever finished a jar of pasta sauce or a bottle of olive oil and thought, “This is too nice to throw away”? Those glass containers sitting in your recycling bin could be transformed into something beautiful and useful. 

Repurposing glass jars and bottles isn’t just a money-saver—it’s an eco-friendly choice that lets you flex your creative muscles while reducing waste. Let’s explore some ingenious ways to give those glass containers a second life.

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12 Most Destructive Pests for Your Home – and How to Fight Back

As a homeowner, you want to protect your home and property from anything that can cause it damage. One aspect of home protection that shouldn’t be overlooked is pests control efforts.

If you don’t prevent the infestation of pests, you are opening your home and family to many problems, as pests can cause a lot of damage.. 

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