3 Ways to Create Space in a Kids Bedroom

3 Ways to Create Space in a Kids Bedroom

Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash

Whether your family lives in a metropolitan apartment, a brand new custom home in suburbia, or a century-old 1000 square foot house like I do, most of us parents want our kids’ rooms to feel calm, organized, and spacious.

Small Space Storage Solutions

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Whether you’re a minimalist by choice or necessity, it can be a real struggle finding a home for all of your belongings in a small space.

The best way to think about storage solutions for your small space is to set aside any ideas you might have about what storage should be (e.g. closets, attic, etc.) and focus on the possibilities for storage in your current home.

How to Find a House Sitter…and Be Comfortable With Your Choice

House sitter Photo by Derek Story on Unsplash

Whether you’re going out of town for a few weeks or plan to be gone an entire season, it’s a good idea to have someone check on your home to ensure its in good condition.

Unless you have a neighbor, friend or family member who can drop by regularly, you may want to hire a house sitter to keep an eye on things while you’re gone.

3 Ways to Improve Your Home Finances in 2019

3 Ways to Improve Your Home Finances in 2019

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Whether it’s getting out of debt, cleaning up your credit, making more money or all of the above, the new year brings another opportunity for a fresh start at improving your financial situation.

To help you get started improving your home finances, take a look at what you’re doing to see if there’s room for improvement. (Hint: We all have room for improvement somewhere).