Unexpected Places Mold Can Grow in Your Home

Unexpected Places Mold Can Grow in Your Home

Mold is a tricky organism that wreaks havoc in so many places in your home. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also cause structural damage and harm your health.

It’s not unusual to find mold growing in damp places, like behind your drywall or in your washing machines; however, there are several unexpected places mold can grow in your home that you might not be aware of.

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The Pros and Cons of Different Window Screen Materials

The Pros and Cons of Different Window Screen Materials

Depending on where you live, window screen materials can make or break your energy bill. For example, if you live in an area where strong winds are common, you’re going to want a durable mesh screen. On the opposite end, if you live by the ocean, you want a screen material that doesn’t corrode easily.

To help you decide, here are the pros and cons of different window screen materials so that you can pick the best fit for your home.

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5 Hidden Risks to Look for When Buying an Older Home

5 Hidden Risks to Look for When Buying an Older Home

Older homes have unique personalities and appeals, but sometimes, they come with hidden risks and history. These situations only happen because of a lack of information at that time. If you want to buy your first home, an older house is a great investment. Before you make a final decision, these five hidden risks to look for when buying an older homewill come in very handy.

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