Home Styling Starter Guide for Couples

Home Styling Starter Guide for Couples

Moving in with your partner is always exciting, but usually, there’s some trepidation involved as well. What will your home look like? How will you adapt from having your own space to sharing it? Our 7 tips will help you ease your way into creating a home both of you love.

Home Improvement Ideas for Sports’ Enthusiasts

Home Improvement Ideas For Sports' Enthusiasts

It’s pretty common to have a love of sports, and for homeowners that do there are many obvious ways to incorporate that obsession into a home improvement project. The project will, of course, depend upon the amount of room you have at your disposal, and whether you’re looking for an outside project, or an inside home remodel.

5 Steps to a Beautiful Patio

5 Steps to a Beautiful Patio
Photo by Kaboompics.com from Pexels

If you’re like most of the country right now you’re probably itching to get outside and do something in your yard.

Why not add a patio area that you can enjoy this summer…as well as the rest of the year?

5 Things You Should Know Before You Build a Koi Pond

5 Things You Should Know Before You Build a Koi Pond

Healthy and happy Koi are the result of a well planned, well built Koi pond. Before building your Koi pond do your research and learn everything you can about caring for these beautiful fish.

If you plan to keep Koi, consider the following things:

  1. 1. The size of your pond is important
  2. 2. You need a filtration unit
  3. 3. Your fish will need the right nutrition
  4. 4. You will need to treat for disease or injury on occasion
  5. 5. Water test kits and additives will be required