7 Ways to Save on Your Next Home Remodel

7 Ways to Save on Your Next Home RemodelHome remodel projects can be an expensive venture, even if you plan to do everything yourself.  

But there are ways to save on your next home remodel that don’t involve choosing subgrade materials or reusing all of your old fixtures. Read More

How to Create a Mudroom Just About Anywhere You Want

Mudroom The mudroom is making a comeback in building trends…and for good reason – they provide a practical solution to the inevitable mess that follows us home.

With “a place for everything, and everything in its place”, a mudroom can be the answer to lost mittens and missing hats and shoes. Read More

Tracking your Paint Colors in HomeZada

Ever wonder what that paint color was for your favorite room in your house? You have touch ups that you need to make to that favorite room, and you need the paint colors. You are digging through drawers, reaching behind shelves and crawling around your garage desperately trying to find your favorite paint color. Read More

5 Quick and Easy Home Projects to Finish in a Weekend

5 Quick and Easy Home Projects to Finish in a WeekendDid the home improvement bug bite you yet?

It can strike at any time, but this time of year it’s at a fever pitch. Home improvement stores are crowded with homeowners, lists in hand, searching for what they need to make their visions a reality. Read More