How to Maintain Clean Indoor Air During Summer Months

For many people, hot summer weather means outdoor fun. It’s hard to resist the siren call of the beach and the family road trip when the mercury rises and the days get longer. But summertime also means that wildfires, thunderstorms, and air quality alerts will sometimes send you back inside into the hopefully cooler but often not-so-fresh air. Fortunately, we’ve rounded up 12 ways to maintain cleaner indoor air during the summer months.

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6 Tips to Keep Wine Glasses Dust-Free

It’s been a long, tiring day, and you’re looking forward to chilling out with Netflix and your favorite wine. 

You reach for the beautiful crystal wine glass you bought on vacation in Venice, only to find it covered in dust. 

Kinda takes the thrill out of your evening, am I right? Who wants to wash dishes when their sore feet are screaming obscenities, and the couch is calling their name?

Dust happens, and while it’s easy enough to get rid of it, why not stop it before it starts? There are ways to keep your wine glasses free of dust and grime, and we’ve shared some of them with you below. 

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Is an Induction Stovetop Right for Your Kitchen? Weighing the Pros and Cons

If you’ve ever watched those fancy cooking shows, you’ve probably seen the presenter use an induction burner or stovetop. These slick, streamlined kitchen appliances are a very tempting addition to any kitchen renovation.

However, just because these stovetops are beautiful and efficient doesn’t mean they’re necessarily right for your home and lifestyle.

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