Tips for an Outdoor Kitchen on a Budget

Tips for an Outdoor Kitchen on a Budget
Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash 

Spring is finally here!

Which means, for a lot of the world, that summer weather is on the horizon. So why not add an outdoor kitchen to help you take advantage of the beautiful days and nights in the months ahead?

Outdoor kitchens can vary in scope and size; they can be as simple as a table and a portable grill or as complex as a full-fledged kitchen, only waterproofed!

Which means the cost of an outdoor kitchen can vary greatly depending on how much of it you do yourself, and the components you add. 

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5 Ways to Use Corrugated Metal in Your Home

5 Ways to Use Corrugated Metal in Your Home
Image courtesy: Recognize a Leader

Without a doubt, the price of building materials has soared, especially in the last few years. As a result, more homeowners are opting for unconventional materials inside their homes.

One of those materials that’s becoming one of the most popular options is corrugated metal.

Strong, durable, easy to work with and fire resistant, corrugated metal panels are growing in popularity with homeowners; many of whom are avid DIYers who are looking to save money without sacrificing quality.

These panels are available in more colors than the standard silver, and their cheaper cost in relation to the soaring prices of lumber hasn’t hurt their reputation either.

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What You Need to Fix Before Selling Your House

What You Need To Fix Before Selling Your House

Many people find the process of selling a house unpleasant. A lot of work goes into selling a house and preparing it for potential buyers. One of the most important things to do is patch up any problems. No one wants to buy a house with a bunch of glaring issues. In this article, we’ll go over what you need to fix before selling your house so you can attract the greatest amount of people.

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Know your home’s finances in one simple step with HomeZada

Know your home’s finances in one simple step with HomeZada

Most homeowners do not know the total annual cost to own their home. They don’t have a budget for insurance costs, property taxes, gas and electric bills, water and sewer costs, or other typical services like alarm costs, pest control, landscaping or cleaning cost. This causes financial uncertainty and stress in many homeowners lives.

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The Benefits of Having a Water Softener in Your Home

The Benefits of Having a Water Softener in Your Home

People use water throughout their day. They use it to do laundry, run the dishwasher, and hydrate–water’s responsibilities range from mundane to dire. It’s such a dominant part of our lives and bodily systems, so shouldn’t our water be as high quality as possible? There are a few signs your home has hard water, which has negative effects on home fixtures and household members. Fortunately, you can incorporate home technology that boosts your water’s quality, especially if it’s giving you or your appliances grief. Read on to discover the benefits of having a water softener in your home.

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