Getting a home loan is stressful enough, but when you’re trying to get financing with bad credit, it can seem like an impossibility.
In case you were wondering, a “poor” FICO score is considered to be one that is 579 or below.
Getting a home loan is stressful enough, but when you’re trying to get financing with bad credit, it can seem like an impossibility.
In case you were wondering, a “poor” FICO score is considered to be one that is 579 or below.
Imagine what it would be like to have no monthly mortgage.
To have the freedom to use the money you would be sending to your lender for that dream vacation you’ve always wanted to take with the family.
Or to transform that cluttered kitchen into the envy of the neighborhood.
Whether it’s a raging fire, a tornado that rips through your neighborhood or even a flash flood after months of drought…there’s one thing that never changes…life can be unpredictable.
When choosing countertops and backsplashes for your kitchen, remember what their purpose is. Beauty is important, but don’t sacrifice function for a pretty surface.
It’s funny how you can have hundreds of feet of beautiful carpet, but all it takes is one ugly stain to make you feel like tearing it all out!