5 Ways to Turn Your Deck into A Summer Haven

5 Ways to Turn Your Deck into A Summer Haven

More families prefer to spend time lounging outdoors when the weather gets warmer. This means it’s time to fix up your backyard and deck so you and your company can enjoy summer activities.

Thus, if it’s been a while since you’ve visited your deck, there are ways you can modernize it into an attractive living space. You may need to spruce up the place before bringing in new features that bring your deck to life.

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How To Decorate Extra Space in Your Home

How To Decorate Extra Space in Your Home

Do you have trouble decorating certain areas of your home? Sometimes we have more inspiration for certain rooms and spaces than others, which means various furniture pieces or shelves can be forgotten and go untouched. Follow these tips for how to decorate extra space in your home if you have empty rooms or spaces that need interior design attention.

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Unexpected Places Mold Can Grow in Your Home

Unexpected Places Mold Can Grow in Your Home

Mold is a tricky organism that wreaks havoc in so many places in your home. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also cause structural damage and harm your health.

It’s not unusual to find mold growing in damp places, like behind your drywall or in your washing machines; however, there are several unexpected places mold can grow in your home that you might not be aware of.

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5 Clever Ways to Use Lattice

While lattice is commonly used below porches or around above-ground pools, it can be used in a number of different ways.

For example, you can create a lattice that’s used as a privacy screen or a place to grow climbing plants.

Inside your home, lattice can be used as a decorative accent on doors or headboards. 

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Ways To Prevent Home Renovation Relationship Stress

Sometimes couples find themselves biting their tongue when they want to voice their opinion to avoid an unfolding argument. Couples may even avoid remodeling altogether, as this is a high-stress endeavor. Some continue to live in a home that desperately needs a makeover, as they can’t seem to reach a harmonious conclusion.

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