3 Home Security Tips and Guidelines You Never Thought Of

You can never be too safe when it comes to home security. No matter where you live or what your home looks like, you never can anticipate what will happen next. Home invasions happen anywhere, and that’s why these 3 home security tips and guidelines should be taken seriously.

3 Ways to Create Space in a Kids Bedroom

3 Ways to Create Space in a Kids Bedroom

Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash

Whether your family lives in a metropolitan apartment, a brand new custom home in suburbia, or a century-old 1000 square foot house like I do, most of us parents want our kids’ rooms to feel calm, organized, and spacious.

Small Space Storage Solutions

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Whether you’re a minimalist by choice or necessity, it can be a real struggle finding a home for all of your belongings in a small space.

The best way to think about storage solutions for your small space is to set aside any ideas you might have about what storage should be (e.g. closets, attic, etc.) and focus on the possibilities for storage in your current home.

How to Take Great Real Estate Pics…Using Your Phone

How to Take Great Real Estate Pics...Using Your Phone

If you’re selling your home yourself one of the most important things you can do to put your home in its best light is to upload great photos that will generate interest in your listing.

But, you don’t have to spend a ton of money on a professional photographer nor do you need tons of fancy equipment to take great real estate pics of your home.