Stop Kitchen Fires Before They’ve Begun

Thousands of families lose their homes and, unfortunately, sometimes their lives, to house fires every year.

As tragic as this is, it is doubly so when it is due to something that could have been prevented.

In the coming weeks, families will begin to assemble to share meals and spend time together as the holidays approach.

A sad truth is, however, that one of the most preventable causes of house fires – kitchen fires – occurs during the holidays as well, turning a joyous time into a time of sorrow and grief.

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Lessons on Home Safety with Kids

Home Safety with Kids

Many people know how to detect a fire or even put out a fire with a fire extinguisher. Many people also understand how to carefully climb a ladder or turn on a stove. But kids need to be taught how to do these things and how to stay safe while around the home.  Read More

Maintenance Tip: Check Exterior Railings on Balconies and Decks

check exterior railings on balconies and decks

With everyone spending more time outside with summer, it is time to check exterior railings and balconies and decks. Decks and railing must have the necessary safety features for your family and guests so that no one gets hurt. It is important to inspect the posts and railings to make sure they are still secure. Read More

Simplified Child Proofing Ideas

Simplified Child Proofing IdeasGuest Blogger:  Tom Corliss of

Thousands of preventable injuries happen every year because parents and caregivers do not take the time to add simplified child proofing solutions to their homes. Consequently, this results in not being prepared for possible injuries. Now, I want to take some time and go over some simple ideas to be prepared for little ones. This will also create a safe environment to play and grow in. Read More