Make Better Decisions by Becoming the CEO of your Home

Your home is one of your largest assets.  And your home needs a lot of care and understanding in order to maintain its value. As it’s primary care giver or CEO of your home, are you really aware of what is going on in your home?  Are you aware of what your are spending on home improvement projects? Are you up to date on your home maintenance and what it is you need to do to take care of your home? How about documenting what you have in your home? Do you know what you own or will you need to recall everything
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HomeZada Feature Spotlight- Entering Home Inventory

Hi! My name is David and I work in the HomeZada Development team. We have decided to create a short series of blog posts called ‘Feature Spotlight ‘ which highlight some of the features we’ve included within our web and mobile applications to help our customers manage their homes. We’re always looking for feedback, so if you have any questions (or good ideas!) then please feel free to leave feedback here Read More

If a Natural Disaster were to Strike Today, Would you be Prepared?

The saying “Expect the best. Prepare for the worst.” should hold especially true when it comes to a natural disaster. If you do live in a place where a natural disaster strikes more often than you would like, you probably have an emergency plan in place. The problem? That emergency plan most likely only focuses on your safety and how to survive. What a lot of people fail to take into consideration is what it’s like to try to start over again when they lose their entire house and everything in it. For example, could you list out all of the items in your home and how much they are worth off the top Read More