How do you know if your home has invisible home toxins? Sure, everyone would like to assume that their home is relatively toxin free, and most people would swear by it. But truly what is a toxin free home and where are those invisible home toxins we may not be familiar with and where are they lurking in our homes? If you know someone that swears that their home is toxin free, show them the infographic below. Invisible home toxins are hidden in your prescription drugs, cosmetics and your household cleaners. Many of these toxins can be adsorbed in the skin which if you are using them when you are cleaning, maybe investing in a set of gloves might be valuable to protecting your health. And by no means, are we suggesting that you completely get rid of all of your household cleaners, but there are a few things you could keep in mind that will help keep the toxin levels to a minimum in your home:
1) Be sure your house is well ventilated when cleaning. Open up the windows, turn on a few fans… just get the air circulating.
2) Try using some home remedies such as vinegar or baking soda. These products are natural and can be used in everyday life safely.