In our homes we have doors, drawers and other handy compartments that allow us to tuck away and hide our clutter or disorganization. Don’t worry, I’m guilty of this too at times. Closets are the big one. It is so convenient to shove anything that is not of use at the time into an already crazily full closet filled with the rest of your unneeded stuff.
Value of an Organized Closet
You might not think of this at the time, but closets are a valuable part of your total square-footage. After all, you are paying a lot of money for your home, and square-footage is a key factor in your home’s price. If you continue to use your closets ineffectively, the rest of your house will begin to overflow. Overflowing with inventory and creating clutter, which eventually can lead to frustration and stress. Your emotional well-being has been shown to have a direct link to the condition of your home. A better-organized home allows for more pleasure in many other aspects of life. Makes sense right? Less time spent looking for that “darn gift wrap you used last month” or your “favorite winter coat” that you packed away after last season.
So where do you start? Open your closets—all of them! If anything falls on top of you the moment you crack the doors, I encourage you to really begin down-sizing your inventory. What can be donated? And what needs to be put into a deeper storage? If you utilize that top shelf of every single closet for long term storage, consider relocating that storage to just one designated closet. Or begin putting those things in a basement or other location that is less frequented. That top shelf can be used more effectively for more commonly used items.
Closet Organization Systems
How is the condition of your current closet organization system? There are those regularly installed closet systems that tend to come with the homes. These closets generally have a single hanging rod posted below an elevated shelf towards the top of the closet. While they can be effective for some people, these systems do not make the most use of your closet space. Before you know it, most of your belongings end up on the floor, in bins or boxes, and out of sight. Sound familiar?
If this is you, then strongly consider redoing your closet organization system. You can go the affordable route and opt to do the closets yourself with DIY systems found at any home improvement store. However, closet companies are everywhere these days, and their possibilities are endless. They can create a lavish closet where everything has its place. Many of these companies provide complimentary house visits and measurements. With professionally trained and skilled designers/installers, such companies understand the potential of each closet and how to optimize the use of that closet for your needs.
The closet renovation process has many details to consider. Begin doing some research and find some images of closet designs online that suit to you. Perhaps after the initial down-sizing of your belongings, you will find that your closet is functional again. At any rate, there lies a lot of potential in the organization of your closets. Don’t waste that valuable square-footage!
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