Fall brings great cool evenings with some last minute use of your outdoor areas and furniture. However, with winter just around the corner, storing your furniture for long term use is a great idea. Here are tips for storing outdoor furniture.
Before storing outdoor furniture, first clean your furniture by wiping it down with a wet rag or spraying it with your hose. Allow your outdoor furniture to air dry or wipe with dry towels. Before storing outdoor furniture, make sure your furniture is fully dry.
Cover any large pieces that are either too heavy or too big to store. Some of the best places to store outdoor furniture is in your garage, basement, or shed. Using heavy duty covers designed for outdoor storage is best. These covers are water resistant and can cover the entire piece of furniture. It is important to make sure you have the proper sized covers for your pieces. Because manufacturers make covers that fit different styles of outdoor furniture. By using the proper size cover, you will ensure protecting your furniture.
For the smaller or lighter pieces of furniture, move them to an indoor location like a garage, basement or shed. If you have stackable pieces, this allows for more room for storage of your furniture.
Do not forget your cushions. Some cushions can be rinsed and air dried. Make sure your cushions are fully dried before moving them to a storage area. By drying cushions completely, you will avoid any mildew. Stacking your cushions in a dry location will have them ready for next spring and summer.
Additionally, your umbrellas will need to be brought in so that they do not blow over and damage other parts of your home or yard.
Taking the appropriate storage and care of your outdoor furniture will ensure that it lasts for a very long time. Periodically and throughout the winter, make sure your pieces outside are not weighted down by snow or heavy water. This snow and water can cause more damage of your furniture. Additionally, heavy winds could unfasten your outdoor furniture covers. Checking on your outdoor furniture covers to make sure they stay in place throughout the winter could make the difference between have great furniture to use or damaged pieces that may need repair or replacement.