If you are looking to sell your home, the comeback that the real estate market is making must have you elated. There are a lot of factors that will determine how much your home will sell for or how much it is worth. The primary factor is the location of your home. The neighborhood and homes that surround your home also have an impact on your home’s value.
One factor that can have a profound impact on the value of your home is whether or not you have a home security system. Owning a home security system can increase the value of your home.
Inherent Insurance Discounts
A home with a security system already installed is valuable to a new homeowner. This installed security system will instantly provide the new homeowner with insurance discounts. The amount of the discount varies depending on the insurance company and the home’s location. Some insurance companies will offer up to a 20 percent discount on homeowners insurance rates for homes with a monitored system. This is because a monitored system protects you against burglary and it monitors your home for CO2 emissions, smoke, fire, and flooding.
Peace of Mind
When people look for a home to buy, it’s not a completely cerebral process. There are a lot of emotions involved. A security system is going to put a potential home buyer at ease. They are able to look around the home and envision their valuables and their family members in a safe and protected environment.
Home Automation and Security Systems
What a security system was 20 years ago and what it is today are two drastically different things. Now homeowners expect their security system to work with the rest of the technology in their home, as well as, with mobile devices.
In fact, 81 percent of individuals who own a home that has a smart security system or a smart device would be more inclined to purchase a home if they knew that it already had smart devices installed. Conversely, 66 percent of individuals who participated in this survey said that they would leave their smart products behind if it meant that they could sell their home quicker. This survey clearly shows the link that exists between smart home products, smart security systems, and increasing the value of a home.
Younger buyers are especially influenced by whether or not a home has smart devices. Forty-seven percent of millennials already own smart home products. This explains the importance that smart devices play in the buying choices of the next generation of homeowners.
Must Have Home Automated Security Devices
Younger homeowners are attracted to the idea of smart locks. With these locks, you don’t need to worry about a spare key. You can simply open the door using a keypad or open the door remotely using your phone. You can even get alerts on your phone when the doors are opened or closed.
Window sensors are also a popular home automation security feature. Window sensors alert you when your windows are opened. This is especially important during summer months. Because during the summer, people tend to open the windows to let the fresh air in. Then they go to sleep or they go to the store and forget that their windows are open. Getting a security alert when a homeowner leaves their home may be the difference between leaving their home unsecured or quickly turning around and locking the windows.
Interior and exterior motion detecting lights are great because they shed light on potential threats. Homeowners love this idea, especially if they have a job that requires them to arrive or to leave from their home at night. All of these technology solutions are inviting and increase curb appeal.
What Should Be Included in Your Home Security System?
What should you include in your home security system to increase the value of your home? First, you need an alarm system. The price of the alarm system is going to vary depending on the features you include. But remember, on average a residential home break-in is going to lead to $2,000 of loss. Having an alarm system drastically reduces the chances of your home being broken into.
You also want to have cameras. Cameras let you monitor the safety of your family members and they give you the ability to monitor your property when there’s no one in your home. When cameras are placed in visible locations, they can cause intruders to think twice before entering your property. Robbers do not want to be caught on camera.
A good security system should not only protect you from burglary, but it should also protect you from other dangers. Your home should be equipped with smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and flood detectors. All of these devices bring a sense of peace of mind to potential buyers.
You Can’t Put a Price on Tranquility
When a potential home buyer is thinking about moving into a new neighborhood, they want to know that they are going to be safe. Having a high quality home security system is going to give a potential home buyer a sense of tranquility. This could make it more likely that they will purchase your home.
And while you are waiting to sell your home, knowing that your family and your possessions are protected makes the investment in a nice home security system worth it. You cannot put a price on tranquility.
Author Bio: Matthew Wilson is an enthusiast and expert who has a deep interest in all things home security. Others turn to Matthew when they have questions about the quality or effectiveness of a home security system or device. Read more of his works on – Property Guard Master!