7 Easy Ways Homeowners Can Save Money Now

7 Easy Ways Homeowners Can Save Money Now
Photo by Allen Taylor on Unsplash

Whether you’re new to homeownership or you’ve simply moved into a new home, there are lots of little things you can do to help save money.

Run through the list that follows to start saving money on maintenance and energy costs now, rather than later…

Choosing the Best Above Ground Pool

Above-ground pools have come a long way since the ones you probably remember as a kid.

While steel sided pools are still offered, there are other materials used these days that can improve not only the look but the performance of an above ground pool.

8 Secrets of Finding the Perfect Home

8 Secrets of Finding the Perfect Home
Photo by Pixasquare on Unsplash

Finding the perfect home can be hard, especially if you’re moving to an unfamiliar location.

You have no idea what kind of amenities you’ll have, what the schools are like, what kind of commute you’ll have or even if you’ll be able to make friends.