Quick Cleaning: Tidy Your Home 15 Minutes at a Time

Quick Cleaning: Tidy Your Home 15 Minutes at a Time
Photo by tu tu on Unsplash

Cleaning house is not an all or nothing proposition.

There are different levels of “clean”. And while we all want our house spotless, sometimes it comes down to doing just enough to be presentable.

We’ve all got busy lives, so if house cleaning is at the bottom of your list; or if it hasn’t made “the list” at all, the following quick cleaning tips can bring the current state of things up a notch.

How to Save Money on Your Next Painting Project

How to Save Money on Your Next Painting Project
Photo by Cam Morin on Unsplash

One of the most affordable home improvement ideas is to spruce up your home with paint. However, it’s surprising just how quickly the cost of paint can add up, especially if you choose premium paints.

High-quality paints can easily cost $30 per gallon – or more. Add in the need for several gallons and it’s easy to see how quickly your costs will increase.

How to Whitewash Brick Walls

How to Whitewash Brick Walls

If you no longer love the look of your red brick walls – but don’t want the hassle and expense of hanging drywall or paneling – there’s an easier way to brighten the look of your living spaces.
