Even though our modern hustle culture often glorifies a lack of sleep, sleep remains an incredibly important facet of a healthy life. The less time you have for it, the more important its quality becomes. And when it comes to sleep quality, rethinking your bedroom’s design and decor can definitely help improve it. Consequently, your overall wellbeing will improve as well.
Let’s explore different ways to adapt your bedroom and turn it into your private oasis.
Choose Colors You Like
You can find plenty of articles advising you to go for this color or go for that color in your bedroom. Color psychology can certainly play its part in your decision, but the simplest way to choose the right color for your bedroom’s walls is to go with your gut.
You want a color that is soothing for you. If you, for example, can’t stand neutrals and oat-based colors, you won’t like a lot of the advice being offered out there. Make your choice based on the level of relaxation a color inspires in you, and forget what everyone else has to say.
Consider the Mattress Size
Without a doubt, the most important choice you make when it comes to bedroom design is the size and the quality of your mattress.
You want a mattress that you can comfortably sleep on and that provides plenty of room for you to spread out. If your bedroom is small, still try to go for the larger and more comfortable bed, as opposed to also fitting in plenty of storage or lounging space. If you can, move all of that to a different area and make the bed the focal point of your bedroom.
Opt for Natural Light
When choosing the bedroom, try to select a room that gets plenty of natural light, ideally in the morning. That way, you can wake up with the sun and fall asleep easily when it goes down.
Everything you can’t do with natural light, you can compensate for with clever artificial lighting. Go for neutral or warm light, as opposed to bright white light that will keep you awake and make you feel more energized than you need to be feeling.
Choose Natural Materials
The fabrics and materials you bring into your bedroom will influence your mood significantly, so you ideally want to go for organics and naturals. Breathable materials will help you to sleep better, and they will also be better for your skin and hair.
Silk pillowcases have lately been a trend everyone is talking about, but you can stick to cotton if it feels more comfortable.
Consider natural materials for the rugs and throws as well, as the snugglier and softer you can get, the easier it will be to fall asleep.
Forgo the Electronics
While falling asleep with the TV on is a habit most of us have managed to form at one point or another, if you can, choose to banish all electronics from the bedroom (except for an alarm clock).
The TV, radio, phone, and laptop will all emit large quantities of blue light that messes with your circadian rhythm enough to keep you up later than you would prefer. You may not necessarily connect your difficulty falling asleep with your phone, but the fact is that the longer you stare at your phone before bedtime, the worse you are likely to sleep.
Keep your speakers for soothing music or bedtime stories, and get an alarm clock that will wake you up with gentle lights and sounds. Every other piece of tech can await you in the living room.
Reduce the Clutter
While having a lot of knick-knacks and memorabilia spread out all over the room can certainly make it feel cozier and more personal, any added elements of clutter will only add to the feeling of restlessness in your bedroom.
Try to reserve another room for all of your favorite trinkets, and keep your bedroom as minimalistic in the decor sector as possible. Some art on the walls, cushions, pillows and blankets on the bed, and a soft rug are all you need.
You can change these with the seasons so as to keep the room feeling vibrant and not so same all the time. Just make your goal achieving a state of rest and relaxation, not jazzing it up to the max. You have the rest of your space for that.
To Sum It up
If you start looking at your bedroom as that one space that allows you to completely unwind and forget about the rest of the world, you’ll have an easier time making design and decor decisions that align with this idea. Consider how you can change this space to help you relax at the end of an exciting day, and you’ll notice how, over time, you begin feeling more rested and better overall.
For more information about about sprucing up your bedroom:
7 Bedroom Changes for a Better Night’s Sleep