15 Common-Sense Tips For Designing a Shared Kids Room

15 Common-Sense Tips For Designing a Shared Kids Room
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

A shared kids’ room is a necessity for many families. 

Perhaps the arrival of a new baby means you’re going to have more people than rooms available.

Maybe you’re considering working from home and want to convert a bedroom into an office. 

Or maybe you want the kids to share a room so they can learn to share and to bond with one another.

Whatever the reason, here are some tips for designing a shared kids’ room everyone will love!

1. Shared bedroom ideas for small spaces

In most cases, lack of space is the cause of children sharing a bedroom. However, just because a room is small, that doesn’t mean it can’t be an oasis of creativity. You’ll love these space-saving and design ideas!

2. Invest in Bunk Beds with Storage

There are countless bunk bed ideas that will fit your needs! A great way to save space is to find kids bunk beds with storage options. More floor space means more room for play.

3. Try Minimalism

To complement the individual flair that your children will bring to the room, adopting a minimalist design can make it seem larger and reduce clutter.

4. Bed sharing

Sibling bed sharing can be one of the best space-saving and budget-friendly decorating ideas. It’s especially great for kids who love to cuddle!

5. Get a Room Divider

Bookshelves are a popular way of separating bedrooms. It allows your kids a little privacy while also adding additional storage. 

6. Use headboards with storage

If there is not enough space for bookshelves and dressers in your shared kids’ room, look for another option; a headboard with storage. Children can have easy access to – and display – their favorite items, while keeping toys and trinkets off the floor.

7. Consider a L-shaped layout

Furniture arranged strategically can make a room seem larger. If possible, line the beds up against the walls or stack them one on top of the other in an “L” shape to maximize the space.

8. Consider trundle beds

In case of cramped quarters, trundle beds are the perfect solution, especially if you need sleeping room only temporarily! You can roll the bottom bed in during the day to provide more space for games and imagination, and pull it back out when it’s time to go to bed.

9. When in doubt, less is more

Every little design detail can be easy to obsess over. With rambunctious children, leaving more space to play is sometimes the best option! There’s nothing wrong with keeping it simple…for both you and your kids!

10. Creating a Shared Room for Different Ages

Sharing a bedroom is easier when your kids are similar in age. You may find that your kids’ tastes and needs for a bedroom are very different if their ages are far apart. These design tips will help you create a shared bedroom that meets everyone’s needs!

11. Place the youngest child closest to the door

If you plan to share a nursery with a toddler, think about placing the youngest close to the door. 

The most challenging aspect of a putting a child and baby together in the same room is making sure they both get enough rest. 

Having the crib by the door makes it easier to reach an upset baby!

12. Create space for different mattress sizes

You might find that your older child doesn’t enjoy having a younger roommate. Get your big kid to see how awesome it is to share a room with their sibling by giving them a larger bed!

13. Keep baby-friendly toys close to the floor

Store toys for your older child higher up so that your baby or toddler is not tempted by anything they shouldn’t touch. As a bonus, this “special access” makes the older sibling feel special, which can help if they’re reluctant about room sharing.

14. Use dressers or desks to break up space

If your child is in elementary school and shares a room with their teenage sibling, creating separate spaces becomes increasingly important. Put a desk or dresser between beds to create a DIY room divider. This is a simple way to create natural boundaries and privacy.

15. Making it work

What can you do to make the most of sharing a room while maintaining boundaries and resolving disputes?

Make sure you time it right

For an older child who is having trouble adjusting to the new baby and feels like they need to share everything-like your time and love-you may want to wait. 

When you’re having a third child and planning to put the older two together, do so before the baby arrives, so there is less resentment about the new arrival.

Sharing should not be used to solve sleep problems

The presence of a roommate or bed buddy may prove comforting for a child who wakes up frequently at night, but it won’t help existing sleep problems and may even exacerbate them. 

Children should learn how to self-soothe and sleep independently. 

First, try to improve sleep by using room sharing as a prize for good sleep and not as a solution.

Use white noise, soft music or audio books

If your kids struggle with getting enough sleep, consider sleep aids such as white noise.

White noise can block out distracting noises and help them fall asleep. Alternatively, play soft, relaxing music without lyrics or an audio story to help them drift off.

Make the room a quiet area

When the room is reserved for quiet activities, including reading and homework, it is easier to deal with arguments about how to use the space. Playdates and other noisy stuff should take place in common areas of the house, such as the living room.

For more on kids room, check out these posts.

3 Ways to Create Space in a Kids Bedroom

5 Creative Kids’ Playhouse Ideas You Can Make in a Day

Getting the Kids Motivated to Help With Chores This Summer