5 Easy Steps to Unclog Your Kitchen Sink with a Drain Snake

If you’ve ever faced a clogged sink full of water, you quickly realize how central your kitchen sink is to your home’s operation.

Instead of letting that water sit and creating a mess, you can take matters into your own hands. If those liquid drain cleaners aren’t doing the job, the next step is physically removing the plug: a drain snake.

A drain snake is a simple and affordable solution that can help you avoid the inconvenience and cost of calling a plumber. Let’s explore how you can efficiently unclog your kitchen sink with a drain snake.

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Tools

To begin, you’ll need to gather a few essential tools. Here’s your checklist:

  • ⬥ Drain snake
  • ⬥ A bucket
  • ⬥ Rubber gloves
  • ⬥ Old rags or towels

A drain snake, also known as a plumber’s snake, is perfect for tackling tough clogs that a plunger just can’t handle. It works by inserting a long, flexible wire into the drain and twisting it to break up the clog, allowing water to flow freely again. 

Safety first: always wear rubber gloves to protect your hands and have a bucket ready to catch any water or debris that might come up. Additionally, ensure the area is well-lit to avoid any accidents and keep children and pets away during the process. 

If you already have a sink full of water – and you probably do if you plan to use a snake – remove as much water as possible and pour it into the bucket.

And, of course, use old towels or rags to clean up when things get messy.

Step 2: Prepare the Area

Before you get started, clear the area around your sink. Remove any dishes or items that might get in your way. Lay out your old towels or rags around the sink to catch any water that might splash out. This prep work will make the whole process much smoother and cleaner.

Step 3: Insert the Drain Snake

Now it’s time to get snaking! Carefully insert the end of the drain snake into the drain opening. 

Gently push the snake, twisting it as you go. This twisting motion helps the snake move through the pipes and break up any minor blockages along the way. 

You might feel some resistance when you hit the clog—that’s a good sign! Just remember not to force the snake too aggressively to avoid damaging your pipes.

Note: If the snake’s end doesn’t fit the drain hole, use the drain cleanout if you have it, or remove the p-trap to access the pipe.

Step 4: Break Through That Clog

Once you’ve reached the clog, you can work through the blockage by pushing, twisting, and a gentle back-and-forth motion. 

Remove the snake periodically to remove any debris or hair caught on it. 

If the clog is particularly stubborn, try using a plunger alongside the snake or run hot water down the drain to help dislodge the gunk.

Step 5: Retrieve the Drain Snake and Clean Up

After successfully breaking through the clog, slowly pull the drain snake back. Be prepared for some water to come up with the snake.

Flush the sink with hot water to make sure the clog is cleared out. Finally, clean up any mess around the sink area, dispose of the debris properly, and rinse off your tools.

A drain snake is a highly effective method for unclogging your kitchen sink. 

In summary, using a sink snake is a simple DIY task that can prevent the need to call a plumber, saving you both time and money. 

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