Much Needed Outrageous and Over the Top Pet Amenities for Your Home

Our pets are furry, scaled and feathered family members that spend a lot of time in and around our homes. So giving our pets the best possible living experience is no different than adding television and computers in our kids rooms.

These over the top pet amenities will make Fido and Tigger excited to be a member of the family. These great home add-ons also make your life a whole lot easier like a large dog bath area. By having a dedicated area to wash your dog will keep your home clean and free of wet dog escaping your master bath.  So some of these great pet features can help make your life a whole lot easier.  Read More

Steps You Can Take for a Great Lawn

great lawnWhen it comes to our homes and what people see immediately, we can look at our lawns. Our lawns can be inviting and showcase a spectacular home. Our lawns in our backyards show off areas of our home where are children, pets and family play. Here are some steps you can take to get a great lawn.  Read More

Should You Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioning Unit? The Practical Homeowner’s Guide

Repair or ReplaceShould you repair or replace your broken air conditioner? It seems straightforward enough, right? If the cost of repair is significantly less than replacement, save some money and go with the repair.

Unfortunately, the solution isn’t always so cut and dry. Let’s say you’re dealing with a broken air conditioner that could cost you a couple hundred dollars to repair. While replacement would be somewhere in the ballpark or $4,000.

It’s tempting to save a few thousand dollars in the short term and schedule the repair. Maybe a few months later your compressor wears out and you drop a few hundred bucks. Yet again to get that replaced. Then the motor goes out a few months later. You see the point.  Read More

7 Things to Prepare Before You Host an Outdoor BBQ

Host an Outdoor BBQ

Summer is definitely the time to get outside and bring friends and family together. It is a time for hiking, boating, golfing and so much more. This time of year gets us outside grilling away for healthier eating. We wanted to help you get prepared in case you decide to invite family and friends over to celebrate summer with you. These seven tips will help you prepare before you host an outdoor BBQ. Being prepared for any fun in your backyard might find you throwing a couple of BBQ parties.   Read More

Kickstarting Your Own Produce Garden

Produce GardenThere are many ways to add a green touch to your home. You can do it by selecting green decor like we showed in our St. Patrick’s Day commemorative post, entitled ‘Decorating with Green’. But seeing as it’s also the color we associate with nature, putting in some greenery maximizes the effect of giving a natural feel to your home.

One of the best ways to do it is by creating your own produce garden. And contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t have to be done outside. Fruit and vegetable gardening is becoming very popular, according to The Chronicle Journal, as it can be beneficial on so many levels. Among the many benefits include saving on groceries, contributing to the environment and adding some zen to your life. Read More