8 Clever Bathroom Storage Upcycling Ideas

In a small house, storage is at a premium, but if your storage solution can serve double duty, and triple duty if it’s repurposed! 

Not only do you have something useful when you’re done, but you’re giving a rescue item new life!

Think about it…why use dull plastic bins when you can create a unique DIY bathroom storage solution? 

If you are looking for ways to store things in the bath, here are some repurposed ideas for you. Your wallet, the planet, and your bathroom will all benefit from upcycling!

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Potential Reasons Why Your House Smells Like Smoke

Potential Reasons Why Your House Smells Like Smoke

Suffice it to say, living in a home that smells like smoke can be frustrating and uncomfortable. The issue can stem from several factors that you should check and resolve before any further damage occurs. With that in mind, you can use this article to discover several of the potential reasons why your house smells like smoke.

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5 Tips for Choosing the Right Study Desk for Your Kids

Whether or not your kids are still schooling remotely, it’s important to give them a place to study that’s all their own.

As your child continues to grow and their homework assignments become more serious, you’ll be glad you invested in a sturdy, ergonomically designed study desk or table.

Keep the following in mind when choosing the right study desk or table for your kids.

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8 Tips to Make Your Small Space Feel Bigger

If you want to maximize the look and feel of your small kitchen, you can play with a wide variety of shades and hues besides white and neutrals.

Even the tiniest of kitchens can feel much bigger with the right paint colors. So, if you’re wondering how to add a little more design interest and room to your tiny home, you can start by upgrading your current color scheme.

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