Tips for Preventing House Fires

Tips for Preventing House Fires

The thought of a house fire consuming your family’s cherished memories is harrowing. This fear may encourage you to act more vigilant around the house. Fortunately, there are plenty of preemptive measures you can take to decrease the likelihood of a fire. Read on to discover tips for preventing house firesso you can protect yourself and your loved ones.

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A New Shade of Green: 7 Eco-Friendly Additions for Your Master Bedroom

A New Shade of Green: 7 Eco-Friendly Additions For Your Master Bedroom

If you’ve re-arranged your furniture to no avail or regularly wonder why you painted your walls such a bright shade of purple, it may be time for an extreme room makeover. Between cluttered surfaces, dim lighting fixtures, and mismatched patterns, an out-of-touch master suite can feel foreign without proper sprucing. Revitalize your space and feel at home once more by switching up the scenery and replacing outdated features.

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How to Make Your Home Safe For Your Dog

Every pet owner who has a dog or cat knows that vigilance is important when it comes to pet ownership. Pets are notorious to get into just as much trouble as children. Dogs and cats are naturally curious animals. Puppies and kittens, in particular, can get into everything and break out easily even the tiniest opening. You might see them snooping around your home, but of course, you don’t want them to get into anything that could hurt them. Some of the notable dangers are food, cleansers, electrical wires, and toxic plants. 

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5 Ways You Can Save Money on a Home Warranty Plan

5 Ways You Can Save Money on a Home Warranty Plan

Whether you’re in the market to buy a house or you already own one, there’s something you should never go without, a home warranty plan. A common misconception and the number one reason so many people don’t have this kind of protection is they believe it’s too expensive. Even the cheapest home warranty is better than no warranty at all. Besides, several top-rated companies have excellent plans that cost very little.

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