Organizing Tools for Small Family Rooms

Next to kitchens, family rooms are one of the best places for families to get together, share what’s happening in their lives, and spend some good, quality time together.

But if your family room is tiny, it can be a constant source of frustration trying to keep it looking halfway decent.

How to Set Up Individual Learning Spaces when Homeschooling Multiple Ages

You probably decided to homeschool, at least partly, because of the freedom it offers you. Freedom to decide the curriculum you’re teaching your children. And the freedom to pass on your family values.

This means you also have the freedom to decide when, where, and how you’ll teach your children. (assuming, of course, you abide by the homeschool laws in your state)

And if you’re new to homeschooling you might have discovered that Pinterest is a great place to find ideas.

7 Cute Dog Bed Ideas You Can Make in a Flash

Whether your dog lives inside or outside of your house, you want to make sure he has a place where he can relax and get a good night’s sleep.

And while you could buy a pre-fab dog house, why not give your best friend a custom made bed?

Check out these 7 custom-designed dog beds to inspire you to make your own.

How to Choose Healthy Mattress Protectors for the Whole Household

How to Choose Healthy Mattress Protectors for the Whole Household

Waterproof mattress protectors are a must-have for any mattresses in your home that are at risk of suffering spills or night-time accidents, but that’s not all they’re good for. A mattress protector keeps your sleep surface clean and hypoallergenic. It protects your mattress from dead skin, sweat and sebaceous oils, dust mites, and allergens, like pet dander and fur. Unlike the mattress itself, you can regularly wash your mattress pad, so you know you’re always sleeping in a clean bed.

How to Make a Portable Home Office

While you can set up shop in the corner of a closet or room, if setting aside – or building – an entire room for your home office is just not feasible, there are ways around it.

Enter the “portable office”.

The concept is not new.

From real estate agents to door to door salesmen, setting up a mobile/portable office is not a new idea.