How to Prepare Your Home for a Refinance Appraisal

Need to refinance? Your lender may require a home appraisal before approving any changes in financing.

As a homeowner, you’ll obviously want to get the highest appraisal you can to ensure that you’re able to secure the amount of financing you need. 

While you have no direct control over what the market says your home is worth, it is within your power to do everything you can to get the best appraisal possible.

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3 Ways to Spend Your Discretionary Income if You Want to Buy a House in the Next Year

3 Ways to Spend Your Discretionary Income if You Want to Buy a House in the Next Year

The financial market constantly fluctuates, making the “rules” for how Americans should spend their money wisely change as well. When you’re planning to make a significant investment like buying a home, you must have a plan for saving enough money to cover a down payment, moving costs, closing costs, and all the minor emergency repairs that come with moving into a new home. The sooner you start implementing a strategy, the better off you’ll be. But if you’re not sure where to start, we’re here to help. Here are three key areas where you should put your discretionary income to ensure homeownership is in your near future.

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Tips for Finding a Realtor for Investors

Tips for Finding a Realtor for Investors

Working with a real estate professional can provide you with the experience and expertise needed to successfully build your real estate investment portfolio.

It’s important to find a realtor who understands your needs and desired outcomes. As an investor, you want your real estate agent to identify properties that will give you the best return on your investment, whether you’re looking to flip a home or turn it into a rental property.

Here are some tips for finding the best realtor to help you meet your investment goals.

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How to Sell an Investment Property

How to Sell an Investment Property

You may have any number of reasons for wanting to sell an investment property.

Investors often sell to take advantage of a hot market or offload a property they’re losing money on. Other times, they’ve inherited a property they don’t want to manage — or they’re moving away from one.

Whatever the reason, selling a rental property is not unlike selling a primary residence, albeit with key differences. Below are some steps to consider before you sell your investment.

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