How Much House Can I Afford? It Depends!

Are you wondering, “How much house can I afford?”?The answer depends on your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), down payment, and other factors.

Being a homeowner isn’t just about choosing a house. You must also ensure that you can afford the monthly mortgage when it knocks on your door. By following the 28/36 rule, you will save money and ensure that you can afford the purchase.

Choose a home with an affordable monthly payment. Besides saving money, you will avoid the awkward position of having to sell every stick of furniture just to make ends meet.

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10 Signs its Time to Refinance

Perhaps you’ve thought about refinancing your mortgage, but you’re unsure whether or not it’s the right move. Maybe you’re asking yourself if it’s the right time, and wondering if rates will stay low, go lower or even begin to rise.

Truth is, sometimes it’s hard to know when to take the plunge.

Whether you bought a home recently or many years ago, you probably noticed that mortgage rates stayed near historic lows in early 2021.

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Complete Checklist for Moving Into Your First House

Complete Checklist for Moving Into Your First House

There are many milestones in every person’s life. One of those is moving from your parent’s house to your own. However, an efficient move is not easy because there are many considerations to think about. To help you make a smooth transition, check out this complete checklist for moving into your first home.

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10 Tips for A Successful Open House

10 Tips for A Successful Open House
Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

Open houses…are they really effective? 

Real estate agents swear by them, while others say they’re a waste of time.

Of course, it’s up to you as the seller to decide whether or not to hold an open house, but here are a few best practices to consider.

The “dos and don’ts” below reflect the experiences of countless sellers and their agents in a wide variety of markets, so as with any marketing effort…choose what will work for you!

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8 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Selling

8 Ways To Prepare Your Home For Selling

If you’ve decided to sell your home, expect to perform minor repairs and enhancements as part of the preparation. 

Small things like replacing rugs, door handles, and decluttering can help your property become more attractive to potential buyers. Preparing your home well can also help preserve its fair market value and make it more welcoming to people interested in acquiring your property.   

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