9 Ways to Change the Look of Old Wood Panel Walls

9 Ways to Change The Look of Old Wood Panel Walls - HomeZada

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Tired of the dated looking wood sheet paneling in your home?

Thankfully there are different ways to update the look of your walls that don’t require tearing everything out and hanging drywall in its place.

Which means you can enjoy your home’s new look with a minimum of mess and expense.

12 Steps to An Organized Home Renovation

12 steps to an organized home renovation - HomeZada

Photo by Milivoj Kuhar on Unsplash

If you’re a fan of home renovation shows you know the thrill of watching an ugly duckling of a house be transformed into a stunning home that’s the envy of the neighborhood…all in a half hour show.

It’s habit-forming…

How to Incorporate Pantone’s Color of the Year into Your Backyard

Pantone's color of the year into your backyard

There’s no gray area when it comes to color. If you want to make your neighbors green with envy, you have to keep your yard in the pink. You’ve got a golden opportunity right now because the 2019 trend-setting Pantone Color of the Year happens to be close: Living Coral. Pantone sets the fashion and home industry trends by choosing an annual color for the stylish to follow.

How to Prioritize Your Remodeling Projects

How to Prioritize Your Remodeling Projects

You have a home in need of renovations, a limited budget and a defined timeline. To get the most from your money within the constraints of your schedule, you need to plan and coordinate. After all, not every renovation is worth the investment, and it’s best to take a strategic approach to your projects.