Top 10 Things That Need Fixing When You Buy a New Home

Top 10 Things That Need Fixing When You Buy a New HomeWhen you buy your new home, you are excited and exhilarated. You are moving and living in this amazing new place. But then you move in and all of a sudden your need to start fixing quirky things that you did not see when you first looked at the house. These are the top things in the house that generally need fixing when you buy a new home. Read More

Tips and Benefits of Keeping a Tidy Garden 

Tips and Benefits of Keeping a Tidy Garden Keeping things tidy may start as an idea, but can evolve into a lifestyle. And this ideology extends outside the walls of your home and into your tidy garden. We have all seen that house with the overgrown shrubs look like there is a rain forest on your block. Or there is the other extreme, Read More

5 Fall Cleaning Tips for a Sparkling Home

5 Fall Cleaning Tips for a Sparkling HomeThere are often areas in our homes that have been forgotten in the cleaning process. Or we just cannot remember when we cleaned it last. Therefore, we start talking to ourselves saying did we or didn’t we clean this area. Generally, we do not answer ourselves because we often cannot remember the last time we cleaned our light fixtures.  Read More

What to Expect When Moving into a New Home

Moving into a New Home

Papers are signed and the keys are in your hands. It is so exciting when you finally get through the process of buying your new home. Now it is time contract with the moving company and move in to your new home. A new home comes with a lot expectations that so many forget. Let’s look at what to expect when moving into a new home. Read More