As the cool weather approaches over these next few months, it’s time to start thinking about how you can save on heating costs. One simple and energy-efficient method is to winterize all the doors and windows throughout your home. This is important so that cold air doesn’t leak inside Read More
Lessons on Home Safety with Kids

Many people know how to detect a fire or even put out a fire with a fire extinguisher. Many people also understand how to carefully climb a ladder or turn on a stove. But kids need to be taught how to do these things and how to stay safe while around the home. Read More
7 Open House Tips and Tricks

It is that time. You are ready to sell your home and buy a brand new home. Time for change. Now you may be asking yourself what do I need to sell my house. You may be in a market that is hot and inventory is low, therefore your house may sell quickly with very little marketing. But is you are not in a hot market, you are more than likely going to host an open house Read More
3 Different Kinds of Home Maintenance and What These Mean to You
When it comes to home maintenance, we often concern ourselves with all the different tasks. And home maintennce becomes overwhelming. We create lists of what needs to get taken care of and when. Often forgetting some tasks due to distractions and busy schedules. Read More
5 Ways to Organize Your Home for Better Time Management
Busy, busy, busy! Who isn’t busy? Many of us feel so busy we don’t have time to stop and “get organized.” While getting organized isn’t something you just “do” in a few hours, it is worth your time to stop and make small adjustments at home. Why? Because an organized home is going to make your time flow more smoothly. We lose a lot of time in transition, Read More