What Are the Most Valuable Rooms When Selling Your Property?

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 Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/en/large-home-residential-house-389271/

There is much more to selling your property than just placing an ad and waiting for a buyer to show up. It is important to know what potential buyers are going to look for when they come to check out your home. There are rooms that might just be a deal breaker and help you sell your property much faster. Below is the list of these rooms together with suggestions how to make the most of them and have your property more appealing to the potential buyers. Read More

Back to School Organization at its Best

back to school organizationSummer is over and kids are back in school! What a better time to get your home organized! Adults and kids alike need organization to help them function with all the homework, after school activities, and weekends filled with sports. And don’t forget about the general details about what is happening at school. Without any organization, a parent can go stir crazy from all the Read More

HomeZada Remodel Tip: Kitchen Appliance Upgrade

homezada-kitchenapplianceupgradeNew kitchen appliances can be so exhilarating, especially for the cook in the family. A refresh of an amazing stove and oven or a larger refrigerator to hold everything the entire family needs or even a new dishwasher that is so silent it purrs. Sometimes it does not get any better than having amazing appliances that work and standout to give your kitchen, usually a focal point in a home, a brand Read More

Awesome Shelf Ideas for Kids’ Room

tree shelf
Keeping kids’ rooms in order is one of the most overwhelming tasks when house upkeep is in question. On top of keeping the usual problematic items such as clothes and footwear stored, there are other things that need to be considered and that often present an even bigger issue. For example, the myriad of all kinds of toys, different games of various sizes, collections, school books and items and anything else that your kids use needs to be safely stored, as well. Luckily, there is a way to remedy this. These awesome shelves ideas will solve all storage problems.

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Getting Prepared for any Situation

preparedness moth

September brings us to the beginning of fall and getting everyone organized for all the upcoming holidays and school year! Along with this time of year, we have an opportunity to get our homes organized and prepared for any situation. September marks National Preparedness Month by FEMA. FEMA is committed to helping people get prepared for any situation but specifically looks at preparing for natural disaster related situations and I help by offering programs that are proactive during the month of Read More