12 Tips to Optimize Your Smart Home Setup

Now that you’ve mastered the fundamentals of setting up your smart home, it’s time to step up your game and optimize it!

Read on for 12 suggestions for improving your smart home configuration, ranging from simple ideas that can simplify things to crucial choices that can prevent you from having to start over completely a few years from now.

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How To Make Your Home a Stress-Free Environment

Your home is the one place in the world that you have the most control over, and thus it should be your oasis between the stresses and challenges life throws at you. However, many people struggle to figure out how to achieve that oasis—especially when so many of them have brought their work home to operate remotely. Here’s how to make your home a stress-free environment to help you achieve some serenity and tranquility.

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5 Tips for Maintaining Your Major Home Appliances

Major appliances like refrigerators, washers, dryers, dishwashers, and others are expensive to replace and even more so to repair. But by following a few simple maintenance tips, you can avoid those repairs and extend the life of your appliances. 

Fortunately, to keep your appliances in top condition, you won’t need a lot of mechanical knowledge—just some common sense and some hard work.

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6 Tips to Keep Valuables Safe When Showing Your Home

6 Tips to Keep Valuables Safe When Showing Your Home

Open houses and showings are essential steps when selling your home. It gives prospective buyers a chance to see the property for themselves and, hopefully, imagine themselves living there so they’ll make an offer.

But opening your home to strangers can feel vulnerable. Even with lockboxes in place and supervision from realtors giving tours, you may worry about your items and valuables.

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5 Rug Repairs You Can Tackle Yourself

Even when we take good care of our rugs, time – and just everyday life – can take a toll on them. So, you might think… I’ll just go buy a new one, right?

Well, that’s no doubt easier said than done. Not only is it doubtful you’ll find a new one that looks anything like your favorite rug, the cost of replacing a rug isn’t coming down.

In fact, as you’re no doubt keenly aware, everything is going up!

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