Dinner Party Etiquette: How to Set the Perfect Table

Dinner Party Etiquette: How to Set the Perfect Table
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

In today’s modern world you might think that knowing how to properly set a table isn’t an important thing to know, but you’d be wrong.

Even in our admittedly “casual, laissez-faire” culture setting a table as expected can aid hosts in their desire to create a memorable experience for their guests.

Discover New Spaces at Your Home and Discover Inner Peace

Discover New Spaces at Your Home and Discover Inner Peace

No matter how big or small your house is, there are always certain areas that you don’t use as much as you could. You may not have enough time or money to renovate them, or simply don’t know how to do so, but you can always try to use these new spaces and give them new purpose. Sometimes you’ll simply have to do some remodeling and change the space in order to achieve what you had in mind.

10 Signs It’s Time to Call an HVAC Technician

10 Signs It's Time to Call an HVAC Technician
Photo by Chris Yates on Unsplash

Ever pay an emergency rate for HVAC service?

Yeah…it’s not pretty. Nor is it always necessary.

Sometimes you can figure out what your issue is and fix it yourself. Other times, of course, you’ll need to make that call, but if can you do it during regular business hours you’ll avoid paying an emergency rate that can be as much as double the regular rate.