How to Set Up a Home Management System

How to Set Up a Home Management System

Here you are again…sitting in the drive-thru, waiting on your order before rushing home to put something on the table.

Your plan to create a delicious, nutritious dinner for your family has failed again.

Why does this keep happening?

Perhaps it’s because you don’t have a home management system. Read More

Smart Home: Should You Have One?

Smart Home Should you have one?If you’ve seen movies where smart home technology has wreaked destruction in the homeowners’ lives (e.g. Disney’s 1999 movie, Smart House) you might be wondering if giving our homes (and the appliances in them) intelligence is a dumb thing to do. Read More

How to Organize Your Home Finances

How to Organize Your Home FinancesYou can get away with an untidy house…sure you’ll waste some time looking for those car keys. But a lack of organization in your home finances is a recipe for disaster.

Not only is it stressful, but it can also cost you more money in terms of late bills and overdraft fees…(a/k/a money needlessly wasted.) Read More

How Much Money Can You Save by Being Organized?

How Much Money Can You Save by Being Organized?According to an Ikea Life at Home report, an average American wastes 55 minutes per day looking for stuff somewhere in their home. This is often a result of our homes ever changing and constantly evolving with new updates, new furniture and the acquisition of new home looks and items. Our families grow which results in more items in the home. It is easy to see how we waste time finding things and risk frustration not being able to find the items we need when we need them. This also results in increased money being lost or spent. Read More