5 Home Renovations with the Highest ROI

5 Home Renovations With the Highest ROI

While a renovation can make your home more attractive and more valuable in the eyes of home buyers, not every project actually offers good value. One way to measure how much value a renovation is worth is to look at ROI (return on investment). ROI is especially useful if you’re planning on selling your home soon and just want to maximize the sale price.

For example, the top item on this list has a ROI of 102% — which means it actually raises your home’s value more than it costs. On the other end of the spectrum, an upscale master suite addition recoups less than half its cost.

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Best Home Improvement Projects To Complete This Winter

Best Home Improvement Projects To Complete This Winter

As Anton Chekov once remarked, “People don’t notice when it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.” Do you agree? Do you find that when you’re content in life, the season of the year becomes irrelevant? Nevertheless, not everyone is happy with the current state of their lives or the current condition of their homes.

Fortunately, there are projects you can complete during the coming chilly season to revamp your space and make it into the abode of your dreams. Maybe you’ll even forget about the cold, crummy weather and find joy in a seasonal spruce up. Let’s examine closer a few of the best home improvement projects to complete this winter. Here’s what you can work on until spring arrives at your door. 

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7 Remodeling Projects that Could Impact Your Home’s Value

The National Association of Realtors 2019 Remodeling Impact Survey is a good guideline that homeowners can use when they’re considering remodeling their home.

Following are just some of the projects that people undertook in 2019. The report also includes the results individuals gained for their efforts.

1. Basement conversion

Number 6 was Basement Conversion to Living Area. 

The main reason the majority of homeowners decided to undertake a basement conversion was to add features and improve liveability.

And, fortunately for them, NAR found that homeowners were able to recoup 64 percent of their costs.

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How to Choose the Best Accent Wall

Accent walls are a great way to complement a theme or experiment with bolder décor. But how do you know which wall is the best choice for creating the look you want?

While there are no hard and fast rules, there are certain guidelines you can follow to help you choose an accent wall to create a room you love spending time in.

And with everyone staying home more these days, it’s well worth getting this right!

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How to Choose the Best Generator for Your Needs

Our ancestors got by with some candles, oil lamps, and/or firelight, but our modern life is such that nearly everything we use depends on some type of electrical power.

Whether it’s power from the outlets in our homes or battery power from the devices we use, we don’t often think about the power we use in our everyday lives until suddenly that power is missing.