The Hidden Costs of Maintaining Unique Products

When you’re researching and looking for a new product for your home, there’s a hidden cost to owning that product that you might need to consider: maintenance. 

If an appliance goes wrong and is out of warranty (it’s like they know when the warranty expires, right?), you have a lot of new appliances in the marketplace to choose from.

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HomeZada’s Photo Recognition AI Transforms Home Repair & Improvement Knowledge

Every homeowner, but especially first-time homeowners, struggle with figuring out how to fix, repair, and manage remodel projects. HomeZada released the ability to perform AI recognition on any photo uploaded to a task or project. This helps homeowners get expert advice based on their specific photos of their home repair and remodel issues all at their fingertips by using photo recognition.

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Pros and Cons of Installing a Dumbwaiter in Your Home

Imagine having to carry laundry baskets up and down the stairs for years. Your arms ache, and you stumble occasionally, making the task feel endless. However, one day, you come across a possible solution- a dumbwaiter.

This magical-sounding contraption promises to whisk your laundry woes away, effortlessly transporting it between floors.

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5 Easy Strategies for Cutting Down Your Home Maintenance Costs

I remember the first home we bought. It was, to put it mildly, a “fixer-upper,” and while it did have a solid structure, there was a ton of work to do.

If I could go back in time, I’d tell myself to pay closer attention to the HVAC guy’s spiel about maintaining the new, shiny system he’d just installed.

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Staying Cozy and Sustainable: Eco-Friendly Winter Home Tips

Howling wind, sideways sleet, and a blanket of snow: If this sounds like winter where you are, you already understand how important it is to stay cozy in the coldest months of the year. That warm, snuggly feeling doesn’t have to come at the expense of the environment. It’s possible to seek refuge in your home and still adopt eco-friendly practices. Here are some of the best ways to stay cozy and sustainable in the winter. 

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