5 Quick and Easy Home Projects to Finish in a Weekend

5 Quick and Easy Home Projects to Finish in a WeekendDid the home improvement bug bite you yet?

It can strike at any time, but this time of year it’s at a fever pitch. Home improvement stores are crowded with homeowners, lists in hand, searching for what they need to make their visions a reality. Read More

Home Remodel Tip: New Bathroom Floor

HomeZada Remodel Tip New Bathroom FloorBathroom floors carry water from showers, bathtubs and sinks. Sometimes wet dogs and children are running around after their baths. Believe or not, many bathrooms have carpet as the flooring material. With carpet and water, there is a risk of mold and mildew. Bathrooms also develop a lot of steam which can also convert to water that drips on the floors. If you have carpet in your bathroom, it may be time to use a more durable flooring like tile. You can always add areas rugs to prevent slippage or to keep your feet warm when getting out of the shower or tub. These areas rugs can easily be washed in your washing machine. If you have tile or linoleum and are ready for a change, here are the tips you need to get your new floor started. Replacing carpeting in bathrooms with ceramic tiles is a common project. It creates a hard and durable surface that also is much more suitable for water on the floors.  Read More

A Guide to Successful Home Remodeling Projects

home-repairWhen you buy a home, most people have multiple ideas for various home remodeling projects. Couples also tend to have different perspectives on which renovation projects are a priority.  Another challenge is determining what the budget is for each “wishlist” project. And finally, comparing wishlists with an annual budget for home improvement.

Many people encounter challenges when remodeling their homes for the first time. It is important to look for home remodel project templates that can guide couples through all the various items they need to consider when budgeting and selecting products. Read More