5 Home Renovations with the Highest ROI

5 Home Renovations With the Highest ROI

While a renovation can make your home more attractive and more valuable in the eyes of home buyers, not every project actually offers good value. One way to measure how much value a renovation is worth is to look at ROI (return on investment). ROI is especially useful if you’re planning on selling your home soon and just want to maximize the sale price.

For example, the top item on this list has a ROI of 102% — which means it actually raises your home’s value more than it costs. On the other end of the spectrum, an upscale master suite addition recoups less than half its cost.

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Effective Upgrades: 4 Siding Replacement Mistakes To Avoid

Effective Upgrades: 4 Siding Replacement Mistakes To Avoid

To the outside observer, replacing your home’s siding might seem like a matter of tearing away the old materials and stapling the new ones in their place. However, it isn’t that simple. In fact, you must consider many details during this process, and forgetting about them can lead to issues later. These are a few siding replacement mistakes to avoid so you can ensure the best results for your home.

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Epic DIY Wall Painting Ideas to Refresh Your Home

When you feel like you could renovate, you probably don’t plan to spend a fortune doing so. We all know how easy it is for things to get out of hand and before you know it, you’ve spent a lot of money on simple redecoration and renovation. You might want to consider doing some of the work yourself, and one of the things you can easily do on your own is DIY wall painting. Because it can be a simple task, it won’t take too much of your time and money, unless you have something extravagant in mind. If you’re looking for inspiration, you’ve come to the right place:

How to Choose the Right Paint Sprayer

Paint sprayers aren’t just for the pros.

Today, there are many paint sprayers available at a variety of price points and with different features that are well suited to DIY lovers at any skill level.

How To Make Stained Pavers for Your Backyard Walkway

How To Make Stained Pavers for Your Backyard WalkwayWhether you’re installing new pavers for a lovely backyard walkway, or your existing ones look sad and worn, consider staind pavers. Staining your pavers is an easy DIY project that can be done over a weekend…assuming the weather cooperates. Read More