5 Outdoor Christmas Lighting Tips for a Safe and Merry Season!

Once again, it’s Christmas time: Christmas trees, presents, cookies, and, of course, lights. The perfect way to get into the holiday spirit is by creating a festive light display for your home. 

Whether you’re decorating for a tasteful, simple display or a spectacle that would make Clark Griswold jealous, these basic tips will help you avoid stress and make your home look beautiful.

Keep reading and learn some great tips for hanging your outdoor Christmas lights this year.

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How to Avoid an Insurance Claim While You’re Visiting Family This Year

Few things can spoil a holiday with family faster than getting a call from the police that your home has been broken into.

The 2020 pandemic changed a lot in our society, not the least of which it put a decidedly big cramp in our ability to socialize with friends and family.

With travel restrictions easing, you’re probably making plans to visit family.

Unfortunately, thieves make good use of the holidays to do their favorite things…stealing and destroying.

But it’s not just criminals that you need to consider…accidents such as fires, water breaks or even ice drenched limbs crashing headlong into your living room plate-glass window can really destroy your vacation!

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Ep 003 – What is a Home Inventory and Why You Need One?


Welcome to the Be A Smarter Homeowner Podcast, today your hosts John Bodrozic and Beth Dodson are focusing on what a home inventory is and the reasons why they are recommended. As a homeowner, you may have not even thought about doing an inventory on your home, but if you need to make a claim it can be very helpful. Not just for insurance claims, home inventories become handy in managing money and estate planning as well. Tune in to this episode to get organized on maintaining and protecting your largest asset and expense, your home.


  • [01:00] What does it mean to take a home inventory and what should you record?
  • [04:29] Beth gives advice on ways of doing inventory on the items in your home depending on what has value and is important to you, i.e., photos, video, and spreadsheets
  • [06:35] Different tools and ways to take your home inventory
  • [13:00] The importance of a home inventory to ease insurance processes and claims
  • [21:35] Using tools to create a better relationship between consumer and insurance company and evaluating your insurance policy
  • [27:00] Home inventory for estate planning, trusts & wills


  • There are many different ways to take your home inventory and different things to record- make sure to record what has value to you personally
  • Updating your home inventory is important, especially after remodels and updates- this includes updating the value of your homeowner’s insurance policy to value these changes
  • Technology can be a big help in the home inventory process in taking video or photos and then being able to record these items digitally- making it easy to submit to insurance companies as needed

Home inventories can also come in great use if you ever move to a new house- you can manage the move with a moving company more easily

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A Glimpse Into Toxin-Free Trends: 6 Ways To Create a Non-Toxic Home

A Glimpse Into Toxin-Free Trends: 6 Ways To Create a Non-Toxic Home

Your home is the place you kick your shoes off, hang your hat, and spend time with your loved ones. It’s a safe space, and that’s why every homeowner makes their humble abode as comfortable as possible. You keep it clean, decorate it to your taste, maintain a balanced temperature and ensure that everything looks and feels great.

However, the products and appliances you use to keep your home clean and cozy might be harboring some toxic secrets. Here are six ways to create a non-toxic home and get your digs back to normal. 

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How to Passively Invest in Real Estate

How to Passively Invest in Real Estate

Investing in real estate can be a dynamic part of building wealth. But not all forms of real estate investment work the same or are the right fit for every investor.

Active forms of real estate investment, such as buying and flipping homes and owning a rental property, can be particularly intimidating to a first-time real estate investor. Although active investments can give a great return on your investment, they also require more risk, effort, and knowledge to succeed.

That’s where passive real estate investment comes into play. Ideal for new investors, passively investing in real estate allows you to build a portfolio without shouldering the responsibility solo.

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