Small Space Storage Solutions

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Whether you’re a minimalist by choice or necessity, it can be a real struggle finding a home for all of your belongings in a small space.

The best way to think about storage solutions for your small space is to set aside any ideas you might have about what storage should be (e.g. closets, attic, etc.) and focus on the possibilities for storage in your current home.

Reasons Why You Should Build A Custom Home

Let’s get this out of the way: buying an existing house is always a smart way of owning a home. It’s relatively stress-free, since all you have to do is wait for the papers to come through, and you’ll have your dream home. Read More

How to Make Your Home Feel Cozy and Warm

Make Your Home Feel Cozy and WarmWhat makes a home feel cozy and warm?

Is it the people living in it? Is it how a home is decorated or its age…or is it a combination of all…or some…of these things?

Whatever makes a home feel “like home” to you, you know it when you see it. You walk into a room and instantly you feel at ease, ready to relax and forget your cares for a while. Read More

How to Make a Special Reading Nook for Your Child

How to Make a Special Reading Nook for Your ChildNow that the kids are back in school and your household routine is back to “normal”, your kids are probably already coming home with assigned reading tasks.

But with the constant allure of the television, computer and video games, it can be hard getting them to sit down and actually read their books. Read More