Selling Your First Home? 10 Tips for a Smoother Process

Every housing payment, every unexpected plumbing leak, and every time you had to mow instead of hitting the lake has turned you into a seasoned homeowner. You’re not sporting rose-colored glasses anymore. 

But selling your house? Now that’s something different!

In the same way that buyers can have regrets (44% of homeowners experience them), sellers too can think “what if?” What if I’d priced higher? What if I’d waited longer to sell? What if I’d spent money on staging?

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10 Staging Tips to Make Your Home Stand Out and Attract Buyers

When it comes to selling your home, you want to make your property stand out to potential buyers. It is all about staging a home in a way that connects with them. It translates to how they can feel a property becoming their home and a place of comfort. This is why looks are important and here are some staging tips to help your home stand out.

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6 Things to Do When Moving to a New City Alone

6 Things to Do When Moving to a New City Alone
Photo credit: Image by congerdesign from Pixabay 

Moving to a new city alone presents a lot of unique challenges. Whether you are moving to get a fresh start, restart your career, or develop new relationships, it is essential that you fully prepare yourself to make the entire process easier and less terrifying. Here are six things you need to do if you plan on moving to a new city by yourself: 

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9 Home Staging Tips to Sell Your House Faster

There are a number of things you can do to help ensure you receive the best offer when you’re ready to sell your home and “staging” your home is one of them.

What’s “home staging”?

The purpose of home staging is to present your home in the best possible light. 

This can be done by using your existing furniture in new ways, swapping outdated pieces for show-ready ones, and/or decluttering your home’s outside area in order to focus buyers’ attention on your home’s features instead of any flaws it might have.

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