Ever wonder what that paint color was for your favorite room in your house? You have touch ups that you need to make to that favorite room, and you need the paint colors. You are digging through drawers, reaching behind shelves and crawling around your garage desperately trying to find your favorite paint color.
It can be so frustrating when you need this little bit of paint to make a touch up and you do not have the exact paint brand or color. With HomeZada, there is no more hunting, no more searching and no more stressing over finding the exact paint color.
Document Your Paint Color
When in the home inventory section of HomeZada, find the space you have recently painted. This may be your living room. Once you click on the living room space, you will see details for this space. Details like the number of photos, the name of the space, the dimensions of the space, and the description of the space. You will also see the paint brand and paint color fields.
By entering the paint brand and the paint color, you now have a specific location for each space in your home to identify the specific paints. It is super simple.
Add what type of paint you used like Flat, Semi-Gloss or Gloss to add more clarity to your paint selection.

With these paint colors documented, you will find it easy to make touch ups or to completely repaint your house. You can also add paint colors for the outside of your house if you do have a painted house. Simply add the paint color to the Details page of the home in HomeZada. Use the description field to add the specifics of your paint colors. You can also add trim colors or shutter colors if you have trim and shutters on your home.