You’ve finally got all the paperwork signed and you’re ready to move into your new home. With the thought of unpacking being the first thing on your mind, there isn’t a lot of room for much else. What you should know is that, even having done a walkthrough of the house before you moved in, there are probably a few things you need to keep an eye out for. To make sure you can fully enjoy your new home, we’ve compiled the most important things to do when moving into a new house.
Take a Look Around While It’s Empty
Before you start moving your things in, you’ll never have a better time to check every inch of your new space. Make sure to do a full walkthrough and search for any problem areas you may have missed on the first go around. If you find something that wasn’t in your sale contract or if something is missing that was supposed to stay, contact your real estate agent immediately to see what you should do next.
Set Up Utilities
A home isn’t much of a home without electricity and heat. If you haven’t already, set up your utility contracts as soon as possible if you want your home to be remotely comfortable to stay in. If you’ve already set up your utilities, now is the perfect time to make sure they’re actually working. Check on your electricity, HVAC, water, and internet connection before going any further.
Ensure Your Security
One of the most important things to do when moving into a new house is to make sure the security systems are in working order. It’s already going to be strange enough the first few nights you sleep there—you definitely don’t want to also be worrying about you and your family’s safety. If it doesn’t feel right, you shouldn’t hesitate to revamp your security systems so you can sleep more soundly.
Clean and Repair
It’s a rare thing to have your move go exactly as planned. To be surer of your health and safety, you’ll want to do a deep cleaning of your new home to remove any trace of the previous owner. If anything needs to be fixed or replaced, now is the time to do that before settling in. You want your new place to feel like just that—yours. A fresh slate is the best way to make that happen.
It’s important to do these tasks if you want your house to feel like a real home. It may take a while to get to, but you can help the process along by following these tips.
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